Principles on the Use of Genetic Test Results
Principles on the Use of Genetic Test Results
Principles on the Use of Genetic Test Results
Principles on the Use of Genetic Test Results

No pressure

No pressure

No pressure

Diagnostic Genetic Test Results

Diagnostic Genetic Test Results

Diagnostic Genetic Test Results

Scientific Research

Scientific Research

Scientific Research

Three Criteria

Three Criteria

Three Criteria

Relative or Family Member's Results

Relative or Family Member's Results

Relative or Family Member's Results

* Should there be any discrepancies between the contents of this page and that of the Best Practice, the latter shall prevail.

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© Copyrights 2024. The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers. All rights reserved

© Copyrights 2024. The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers. All rights reserved

© Copyrights 2024. The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers. All rights reserved